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Alpha-CLIP: A CLIP Model Focusing on Wherever You Want

Paper Media

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) plays an essential role in extracting valuable content information from images across diverse tasks. It aligns textual and visual modalities to comprehend the entire image, including all the details, even those irrelevant to specific tasks. However, for a finer understanding and controlled editing of images, it becomes crucial to focus on specific regions of interest, which can be indicated as points, masks, or boxes by humans or perception models. To fulfill the requirements, we introduce Alpha-CLIP, an enhanced version of CLIP with an auxiliary alpha channel to suggest attentive regions and fine-tuned with constructed millions of RGBA region-text pairs. Alpha-CLIP not only preserves the visual recognition ability of CLIP but also enables precise control over the emphasis of image contents. It demonstrates effectiveness in various tasks, including but not limited to open-world recognition, multimodal large language models, and conditional 2D / 3D generation. It has a strong potential to serve as a versatile tool for image-related tasks.


AnimateZero: Video Diffusion Models are Zero-Shot Image Animators

Paper Media

Large-scale text-to-video (T2V) diffusion models have great progress in recent years in terms of visual quality, motion and temporal consistency. However, the generation process is still a black box, where all attributes (e.g., appearance, motion) are learned and generated jointly without precise control ability other than rough text descriptions. Inspired by image animation which decouples the video as one specific appearance with the corresponding motion, we propose AnimateZero to unveil the pre-trained text-to-video diffusion model, i.e., AnimateDiff, and provide more precise appearance and motion control abilities for it. For appearance control, we borrow intermediate latents and their features from the text-to-image (T2I) generation for ensuring the generated first frame is equal to the given generated image. For temporal control, we replace the global temporal attention of the original T2V model with our proposed positional-corrected window attention to ensure other frames align with the first frame well. Empowered by the proposed methods, AnimateZero can successfully control the generating progress without further training. As a zero-shot image animator for given images, AnimateZero also enables multiple new applications, including interactive video generation and real image animation. The detailed experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in both T2V and related applications.


Beyond Surface: Probing LLaMA Across Scales and Layers

Paper Media

This paper presents an in-depth analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs), focusing on LLaMA, a prominent open-source foundational model in natural language processing. Instead of assessing LLaMA through its generative output, we design multiple-choice tasks to probe its intrinsic understanding in high-order tasks such as reasoning and computation. We examine the model horizontally, comparing different sizes, and vertically, assessing different layers. We unveil several key and uncommon findings based on the designed probing tasks: (1) Horizontally, enlarging model sizes almost could not automatically impart additional knowledge or computational prowess. Instead, it can enhance reasoning abilities, especially in math problem solving, and helps reduce hallucinations, but only beyond certain size thresholds; (2) In vertical analysis, the lower layers of LLaMA lack substantial arithmetic and factual knowledge, showcasing logical thinking, multilingual and recognitive abilities, with top layers housing most computational power and real-world knowledge.


GenTron: Delving Deep into Diffusion Transformers for Image and Video Generation

Paper Media

In this study, we explore Transformer-based diffusion models for image and video generation. Despite the dominance of Transformer architectures in various fields due to their flexibility and scalability, the visual generative domain primarily utilizes CNN-based U-Net architectures, particularly in diffusion-based models. We introduce GenTron, a family of Generative models employing Transformer-based diffusion, to address this gap. Our initial step was to adapt Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) from class to text conditioning, a process involving thorough empirical exploration of the conditioning mechanism. We then scale GenTron from approximately 900M to over 3B parameters, observing significant improvements in visual quality. Furthermore, we extend GenTron to text-to-video generation, incorporating novel motion-free guidance to enhance video quality. In human evaluations against SDXL, GenTron achieves a 51.1% win rate in visual quality (with a 19.8% draw rate), and a 42.3% win rate in text alignment (with a 42.9% draw rate). GenTron also excels in the T2I-CompBench, underscoring its strengths in compositional generation. We believe this work will provide meaningful insights and serve as a valuable reference for future research.


Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Decoupling for Text-to-Video Generation

Paper Media

Despite diffusion models having shown powerful abilities to generate photorealistic images, generating videos that are realistic and diverse still remains in its infancy. One of the key reasons is that current methods intertwine spatial content and temporal dynamics together, leading to a notably increased complexity of text-to-video generation (T2V). In this work, we propose HiGen, a diffusion model-based method that improves performance by decoupling the spatial and temporal factors of videos from two perspectives, i.e., structure level and content level. At the structure level, we decompose the T2V task into two steps, including spatial reasoning and temporal reasoning, using a unified denoiser. Specifically, we generate spatially coherent priors using text during spatial reasoning and then generate temporally coherent motions from these priors during temporal reasoning. At the content level, we extract two subtle cues from the content of the input video that can express motion and appearance changes, respectively. These two cues then guide the model's training for generating videos, enabling flexible content variations and enhancing temporal stability. Through the decoupled paradigm, HiGen can effectively reduce the complexity of this task and generate realistic videos with semantics accuracy and motion stability. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of HiGen over the state-of-the-art T2V methods.


Gen2Det: Generate to Detect

Paper Media

Recently diffusion models have shown improvement in synthetic image quality as well as better control in generation. We motivate and present Gen2Det, a simple modular pipeline to create synthetic training data for object detection for free by leveraging state-of-the-art grounded image generation methods. Unlike existing works which generate individual object instances, require identifying foreground followed by pasting on other images, we simplify to directly generating scene-centric images. In addition to the synthetic data, Gen2Det also proposes a suite of techniques to best utilize the generated data, including image-level filtering, instance-level filtering, and better training recipe to account for imperfections in the generation. Using Gen2Det, we show healthy improvements on object detection and segmentation tasks under various settings and agnostic to detection methods. In the long-tailed detection setting on LVIS, Gen2Det improves the performance on rare categories by a large margin while also significantly improving the performance on other categories, e.g. we see an improvement of 2.13 Box AP and 1.84 Mask AP over just training on real data on LVIS with Mask R-CNN. In the low-data regime setting on COCO, Gen2Det consistently improves both Box and Mask AP by 2.27 and 1.85 points. In the most general detection setting, Gen2Det still demonstrates robust performance gains, e.g. it improves the Box and Mask AP on COCO by 0.45 and 0.32 points.


PhotoMaker: Customizing Realistic Human Photos via Stacked ID Embedding

Paper Media

Recent advances in text-to-image generation have made remarkable progress in synthesizing realistic human photos conditioned on given text prompts. However, existing personalized generation methods cannot simultaneously satisfy the requirements of high efficiency, promising identity (ID) fidelity, and flexible text controllability. In this work, we introduce PhotoMaker, an efficient personalized text-to-image generation method, which mainly encodes an arbitrary number of input ID images into a stack ID embedding for preserving ID information. Such an embedding, serving as a unified ID representation, can not only encapsulate the characteristics of the same input ID comprehensively, but also accommodate the characteristics of different IDs for subsequent integration. This paves the way for more intriguing and practically valuable applications. Besides, to drive the training of our PhotoMaker, we propose an ID-oriented data construction pipeline to assemble the training data. Under the nourishment of the dataset constructed through the proposed pipeline, our PhotoMaker demonstrates better ID preservation ability than test-time fine-tuning based methods, yet provides significant speed improvements, high-quality generation results, strong generalization capabilities, and a wide range of applications. Our project page is available at


Generating Illustrated Instructions

We introduce the new task of generating Illustrated Instructions, i.e., visual instructions customized to a user's needs. We identify desiderata unique to this task, and formalize it through a suite of automatic and human evaluation metrics, designed to measure the validity, consistency, and efficacy of the generations. We combine the power of large language models (LLMs) together with strong text-to-image generation diffusion models to propose a simple approach called StackedDiffusion, which generates such illustrated instructions given text as input. The resulting model strongly outperforms baseline approaches and state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs; and in 30% of cases, users even prefer it to human-generated articles. Most notably, it enables various new and exciting applications far beyond what static articles on the web can provide, such as personalized instructions complete with intermediate steps and pictures in response to a user's individual situation.


HyperDreamer: Hyper-Realistic 3D Content Generation and Editing from a Single Image

3D content creation from a single image is a long-standing yet highly desirable task. Recent advances introduce 2D diffusion priors, yielding reasonable results. However, existing methods are not hyper-realistic enough for post-generation usage, as users cannot view, render and edit the resulting 3D content from a full range. To address these challenges, we introduce HyperDreamer with several key designs and appealing properties: 1) Viewable: 360 degree mesh modeling with high-resolution textures enables the creation of visually compelling 3D models from a full range of observation points. 2) Renderable: Fine-grained semantic segmentation and data-driven priors are incorporated as guidance to learn reasonable albedo, roughness, and specular properties of the materials, enabling semantic-aware arbitrary material estimation. 3) Editable: For a generated model or their own data, users can interactively select any region via a few clicks and efficiently edit the texture with text-based guidance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of HyperDreamer in modeling region-aware materials with high-resolution textures and enabling user-friendly editing. We believe that HyperDreamer holds promise for advancing 3D content creation and finding applications in various domains.


Pearl: A Production-ready Reinforcement Learning Agent

Paper Media

Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a versatile framework for achieving long-term goals. Its generality allows us to formalize a wide range of problems that real-world intelligent systems encounter, such as dealing with delayed rewards, handling partial observability, addressing the exploration and exploitation dilemma, utilizing offline data to improve online performance, and ensuring safety constraints are met. Despite considerable progress made by the RL research community in addressing these issues, existing open-source RL libraries tend to focus on a narrow portion of the RL solution pipeline, leaving other aspects largely unattended. This paper introduces Pearl, a Production-ready RL agent software package explicitly designed to embrace these challenges in a modular fashion. In addition to presenting preliminary benchmark results, this paper highlights Pearl's industry adoptions to demonstrate its readiness for production usage. Pearl is open sourced on Github at and its official website is located at


Smooth Diffusion: Crafting Smooth Latent Spaces in Diffusion Models

Recently, diffusion models have made remarkable progress in text-to-image (T2I) generation, synthesizing images with high fidelity and diverse contents. Despite this advancement, latent space smoothness within diffusion models remains largely unexplored. Smooth latent spaces ensure that a perturbation on an input latent corresponds to a steady change in the output image. This property proves beneficial in downstream tasks, including image interpolation, inversion, and editing. In this work, we expose the non-smoothness of diffusion latent spaces by observing noticeable visual fluctuations resulting from minor latent variations. To tackle this issue, we propose Smooth Diffusion, a new category of diffusion models that can be simultaneously high-performing and smooth. Specifically, we introduce Step-wise Variation Regularization to enforce the proportion between the variations of an arbitrary input latent and that of the output image is a constant at any diffusion training step. In addition, we devise an interpolation standard deviation (ISTD) metric to effectively assess the latent space smoothness of a diffusion model. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that Smooth Diffusion stands out as a more desirable solution not only in T2I generation but also across various downstream tasks. Smooth Diffusion is implemented as a plug-and-play Smooth-LoRA to work with various community models. Code is available at


DreamVideo: Composing Your Dream Videos with Customized Subject and Motion

Paper Media

Customized generation using diffusion models has made impressive progress in image generation, but remains unsatisfactory in the challenging video generation task, as it requires the controllability of both subjects and motions. To that end, we present DreamVideo, a novel approach to generating personalized videos from a few static images of the desired subject and a few videos of target motion. DreamVideo decouples this task into two stages, subject learning and motion learning, by leveraging a pre-trained video diffusion model. The subject learning aims to accurately capture the fine appearance of the subject from provided images, which is achieved by combining textual inversion and fine-tuning of our carefully designed identity adapter. In motion learning, we architect a motion adapter and fine-tune it on the given videos to effectively model the target motion pattern. Combining these two lightweight and efficient adapters allows for flexible customization of any subject with any motion. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our DreamVideo over the state-of-the-art methods for customized video generation. Our project page is at


Efficient Monotonic Multihead Attention

Paper Media

We introduce the Efficient Monotonic Multihead Attention (EMMA), a state-of-the-art simultaneous translation model with numerically-stable and unbiased monotonic alignment estimation. In addition, we present improved training and inference strategies, including simultaneous fine-tuning from an offline translation model and reduction of monotonic alignment variance. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model attains state-of-the-art performance in simultaneous speech-to-text translation on the Spanish and English translation task.


Chain of Code: Reasoning with a Language Model-Augmented Code Emulator

Paper Media

Code provides a general syntactic structure to build complex programs and perform precise computations when paired with a code interpreter -- we hypothesize that language models (LMs) can leverage code-writing to improve Chain of Thought reasoning not only for logic and arithmetic tasks, but also for linguistic ones (and in particular, those that are a mix of both). For example, consider prompting an LM to write code that counts the number of times it detects sarcasm in an essay: the LM may struggle to write an implementation for "detect_sarcasm(string)" that can be executed by the interpreter (handling the edge cases would be insurmountable). However, LMs may still produce a valid solution if they are used not only to write the code, but also to selectively "emulate" the interpreter by generating the expected output of "detect_sarcasm(string)" and other lines of code (e.g., that the interpreter could not compile). In this work, we propose Chain of Code (CoT), a simple yet surprisingly effective extension that improves LM code-driven reasoning. The key idea is to encourage LMs to format linguistic sub-tasks in a program as flexible pseudocode that the compiler can explicitly catch undefined behaviors and hand off to simulate with an LM (as an "LMulator"). Experiments demonstrate that Chain of Code outperforms Chain of Thought and other baselines across a variety of benchmarks; on BIG-Bench Hard, Chain of Code achieves 84%, a gain of 12% over Chain of Thought. CoT scales well with large and small models alike, and broadens the scope of reasoning questions that LMs can correctly answer by "thinking in code". Project webpage:


LEGO: Learning EGOcentric Action Frame Generation via Visual Instruction Tuning

Paper Media

Generating instructional images of human daily actions from an egocentric viewpoint serves a key step towards efficient skill transfer. In this paper, we introduce a novel problem -- egocentric action frame generation. The goal is to synthesize the action frame conditioning on the user prompt question and an input egocentric image that captures user's environment. Notably, existing egocentric datasets lack the detailed annotations that describe the execution of actions. Additionally, the diffusion-based image manipulation models fail to control the state change of an action within the corresponding egocentric image pixel space. To this end, we finetune a visual large language model (VLLM) via visual instruction tuning for curating the enriched action descriptions to address our proposed problem. Moreover, we propose to Learn EGOcentric (LEGO) action frame generation using image and text embeddings from VLLM as additional conditioning. We validate our proposed model on two egocentric datasets -- Ego4D and Epic-Kitchens. Our experiments show prominent improvement over prior image manipulation models in both quantitative and qualitative evaluation. We also conduct detailed ablation studies and analysis to provide insights on our method.


Large Language Models for Mathematicians

Paper Media

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have received immense interest for their general-purpose language understanding and, in particular, their ability to generate high-quality text or computer code. For many professions, LLMs represent an invaluable tool that can speed up and improve the quality of work. In this note, we discuss to what extent they can aid professional mathematicians. We first provide a mathematical description of the transformer model used in all modern language models. Based on recent studies, we then outline best practices and potential issues and report on the mathematical abilities of language models. Finally, we shed light on the potential of LMMs to change how mathematicians work.


NeRFiller: Completing Scenes via Generative 3D Inpainting

We propose NeRFiller, an approach that completes missing portions of a 3D capture via generative 3D inpainting using off-the-shelf 2D visual generative models. Often parts of a captured 3D scene or object are missing due to mesh reconstruction failures or a lack of observations (e.g., contact regions, such as the bottom of objects, or hard-to-reach areas). We approach this challenging 3D inpainting problem by leveraging a 2D inpainting diffusion model. We identify a surprising behavior of these models, where they generate more 3D consistent inpaints when images form a 2$\times$2 grid, and show how to generalize this behavior to more than four images. We then present an iterative framework to distill these inpainted regions into a single consistent 3D scene. In contrast to related works, we focus on completing scenes rather than deleting foreground objects, and our approach does not require tight 2D object masks or text. We compare our approach to relevant baselines adapted to our setting on a variety of scenes, where NeRFiller creates the most 3D consistent and plausible scene completions. Our project page is at


Scaling Laws of Synthetic Images for Model Training ... for Now

Paper Media

Recent significant advances in text-to-image models unlock the possibility of training vision systems using synthetic images, potentially overcoming the difficulty of collecting curated data at scale. It is unclear, however, how these models behave at scale, as more synthetic data is added to the training set. In this paper we study the scaling laws of synthetic images generated by state of the art text-to-image models, for the training of supervised models: image classifiers with label supervision, and CLIP with language supervision. We identify several factors, including text prompts, classifier-free guidance scale, and types of text-to-image models, that significantly affect scaling behavior. After tuning these factors, we observe that synthetic images demonstrate a scaling trend similar to, but slightly less effective than, real images in CLIP training, while they significantly underperform in scaling when training supervised image classifiers. Our analysis indicates that the main reason for this underperformance is the inability of off-the-shelf text-to-image models to generate certain concepts, a limitation that significantly impairs the training of image classifiers. Our findings also suggest that scaling synthetic data can be particularly effective in scenarios such as: (1) when there is a limited supply of real images for a supervised problem (e.g., fewer than 0.5 million images in ImageNet), (2) when the evaluation dataset diverges significantly from the training data, indicating the out-of-distribution scenario, or (3) when synthetic data is used in conjunction with real images, as demonstrated in the training of CLIP models.


Controllable Human-Object Interaction Synthesis

Synthesizing semantic-aware, long-horizon, human-object interaction is critical to simulate realistic human behaviors. In this work, we address the challenging problem of generating synchronized object motion and human motion guided by language descriptions in 3D scenes. We propose Controllable Human-Object Interaction Synthesis (CHOIS), an approach that generates object motion and human motion simultaneously using a conditional diffusion model given a language description, initial object and human states, and sparse object waypoints. While language descriptions inform style and intent, waypoints ground the motion in the scene and can be effectively extracted using high-level planning methods. Naively applying a diffusion model fails to predict object motion aligned with the input waypoints and cannot ensure the realism of interactions that require precise hand-object contact and appropriate contact grounded by the floor. To overcome these problems, we introduce an object geometry loss as additional supervision to improve the matching between generated object motion and input object waypoints. In addition, we design guidance terms to enforce contact constraints during the sampling process of the trained diffusion model.