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EMO: Emote Portrait Alive - Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions

Paper Media

In this work, we tackle the challenge of enhancing the realism and expressiveness in talking head video generation by focusing on the dynamic and nuanced relationship between audio cues and facial movements. We identify the limitations of traditional techniques that often fail to capture the full spectrum of human expressions and the uniqueness of individual facial styles. To address these issues, we propose EMO, a novel framework that utilizes a direct audio-to-video synthesis approach, bypassing the need for intermediate 3D models or facial landmarks. Our method ensures seamless frame transitions and consistent identity preservation throughout the video, resulting in highly expressive and lifelike animations. Experimental results demonsrate that EMO is able to produce not only convincing speaking videos but also singing videos in various styles, significantly outperforming existing state-of-the-art methodologies in terms of expressiveness and realism.


Sora: A Review on Background, Technology, Limitations, and Opportunities of Large Vision Models

Paper Media

Sora is a text-to-video generative AI model, released by OpenAI in February 2024. The model is trained to generate videos of realistic or imaginative scenes from text instructions and show potential in simulating the physical world. Based on public technical reports and reverse engineering, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the model's background, related technologies, applications, remaining challenges, and future directions of text-to-video AI models. We first trace Sora's development and investigate the underlying technologies used to build this "world simulator". Then, we describe in detail the applications and potential impact of Sora in multiple industries ranging from film-making and education to marketing. We discuss the main challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to widely deploy Sora, such as ensuring safe and unbiased video generation. Lastly, we discuss the future development of Sora and video generation models in general, and how advancements in the field could enable new ways of human-AI interaction, boosting productivity and creativity of video generation.


Video as the New Language for Real-World Decision Making

Paper Media

Both text and video data are abundant on the internet and support large-scale self-supervised learning through next token or frame prediction. However, they have not been equally leveraged: language models have had significant real-world impact, whereas video generation has remained largely limited to media entertainment. Yet video data captures important information about the physical world that is difficult to express in language. To address this gap, we discuss an under-appreciated opportunity to extend video generation to solve tasks in the real world. We observe how, akin to language, video can serve as a unified interface that can absorb internet knowledge and represent diverse tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate how, like language models, video generation can serve as planners, agents, compute engines, and environment simulators through techniques such as in-context learning, planning and reinforcement learning. We identify major impact opportunities in domains such as robotics, self-driving, and science, supported by recent work that demonstrates how such advanced capabilities in video generation are plausibly within reach. Lastly, we identify key challenges in video generation that mitigate progress. Addressing these challenges will enable video generation models to demonstrate unique value alongside language models in a wider array of AI applications.


Seeing and Hearing: Open-domain Visual-Audio Generation with Diffusion Latent Aligners

Video and audio content creation serves as the core technique for the movie industry and professional users. Recently, existing diffusion-based methods tackle video and audio generation separately, which hinders the technique transfer from academia to industry. In this work, we aim at filling the gap, with a carefully designed optimization-based framework for cross-visual-audio and joint-visual-audio generation. We observe the powerful generation ability of off-the-shelf video or audio generation models. Thus, instead of training the giant models from scratch, we propose to bridge the existing strong models with a shared latent representation space. Specifically, we propose a multimodality latent aligner with the pre-trained ImageBind model. Our latent aligner shares a similar core as the classifier guidance that guides the diffusion denoising process during inference time. Through carefully designed optimization strategy and loss functions, we show the superior performance of our method on joint video-audio generation, visual-steered audio generation, and audio-steered visual generation tasks. The project website can be found at


Sora Generates Videos with Stunning Geometrical Consistency

Paper Media

The recently developed Sora model [1] has exhibited remarkable capabilities in video generation, sparking intense discussions regarding its ability to simulate real-world phenomena. Despite its growing popularity, there is a lack of established metrics to evaluate its fidelity to real-world physics quantitatively. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark that assesses the quality of the generated videos based on their adherence to real-world physics principles. We employ a method that transforms the generated videos into 3D models, leveraging the premise that the accuracy of 3D reconstruction is heavily contingent on the video quality. From the perspective of 3D reconstruction, we use the fidelity of the geometric constraints satisfied by the constructed 3D models as a proxy to gauge the extent to which the generated videos conform to real-world physics rules. Project page:


Disentangled 3D Scene Generation with Layout Learning

Paper Media

We introduce a method to generate 3D scenes that are disentangled into their component objects. This disentanglement is unsupervised, relying only on the knowledge of a large pretrained text-to-image model. Our key insight is that objects can be discovered by finding parts of a 3D scene that, when rearranged spatially, still produce valid configurations of the same scene. Concretely, our method jointly optimizes multiple NeRFs from scratch - each representing its own object - along with a set of layouts that composite these objects into scenes. We then encourage these composited scenes to be in-distribution according to the image generator. We show that despite its simplicity, our approach successfully generates 3D scenes decomposed into individual objects, enabling new capabilities in text-to-3D content creation. For results and an interactive demo, see our project page at


OmniACT: A Dataset and Benchmark for Enabling Multimodal Generalist Autonomous Agents for Desktop and Web

Paper Media

For decades, human-computer interaction has fundamentally been manual. Even today, almost all productive work done on the computer necessitates human input at every step. Autonomous virtual agents represent an exciting step in automating many of these menial tasks. Virtual agents would empower users with limited technical proficiency to harness the full possibilities of computer systems. They could also enable the efficient streamlining of numerous computer tasks, ranging from calendar management to complex travel bookings, with minimal human intervention. In this paper, we introduce OmniACT, the first-of-a-kind dataset and benchmark for assessing an agent's capability to generate executable programs to accomplish computer tasks. Our scope extends beyond traditional web automation, covering a diverse range of desktop applications. The dataset consists of fundamental tasks such as "Play the next song", as well as longer horizon tasks such as "Send an email to John Doe mentioning the time and place to meet". Specifically, given a pair of screen image and a visually-grounded natural language task, the goal is to generate a script capable of fully executing the task. We run several strong baseline language model agents on our benchmark. The strongest baseline, GPT-4, performs the best on our benchmark However, its performance level still reaches only 15% of the human proficiency in generating executable scripts capable of completing the task, demonstrating the challenge of our task for conventional web agents. Our benchmark provides a platform to measure and evaluate the progress of language model agents in automating computer tasks and motivates future work towards building multimodal models that bridge large language models and the visual grounding of computer screens.


Playground v2.5: Three Insights towards Enhancing Aesthetic Quality in Text-to-Image Generation

Paper Media

In this work, we share three insights for achieving state-of-the-art aesthetic quality in text-to-image generative models. We focus on three critical aspects for model improvement: enhancing color and contrast, improving generation across multiple aspect ratios, and improving human-centric fine details. First, we delve into the significance of the noise schedule in training a diffusion model, demonstrating its profound impact on realism and visual fidelity. Second, we address the challenge of accommodating various aspect ratios in image generation, emphasizing the importance of preparing a balanced bucketed dataset. Lastly, we investigate the crucial role of aligning model outputs with human preferences, ensuring that generated images resonate with human perceptual expectations. Through extensive analysis and experiments, Playground v2.5 demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in terms of aesthetic quality under various conditions and aspect ratios, outperforming both widely-used open-source models like SDXL and Playground v2, and closed-source commercial systems such as DALLE 3 and Midjourney v5.2. Our model is open-source, and we hope the development of Playground v2.5 provides valuable guidelines for researchers aiming to elevate the aesthetic quality of diffusion-based image generation models.


VastGaussian: Vast 3D Gaussians for Large Scene Reconstruction

Paper Media

Existing NeRF-based methods for large scene reconstruction often have limitations in visual quality and rendering speed. While the recent 3D Gaussian Splatting works well on small-scale and object-centric scenes, scaling it up to large scenes poses challenges due to limited video memory, long optimization time, and noticeable appearance variations. To address these challenges, we present VastGaussian, the first method for high-quality reconstruction and real-time rendering on large scenes based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. We propose a progressive partitioning strategy to divide a large scene into multiple cells, where the training cameras and point cloud are properly distributed with an airspace-aware visibility criterion. These cells are merged into a complete scene after parallel optimization. We also introduce decoupled appearance modeling into the optimization process to reduce appearance variations in the rendered images. Our approach outperforms existing NeRF-based methods and achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple large scene datasets, enabling fast optimization and high-fidelity real-time rendering.