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VisionLLaMA: A Unified LLaMA Interface for Vision Tasks

Paper Media

Large language models are built on top of a transformer-based architecture to process textual inputs. For example, the LLaMA stands out among many open-source implementations. Can the same transformer be used to process 2D images? In this paper, we answer this question by unveiling a LLaMA-like vision transformer in plain and pyramid forms, termed VisionLLaMA, which is tailored for this purpose. VisionLLaMA is a unified and generic modelling framework for solving most vision tasks. We extensively evaluate its effectiveness using typical pre-training paradigms in a good portion of downstream tasks of image perception and especially image generation. In many cases, VisionLLaMA have exhibited substantial gains over the previous state-of-the-art vision transformers. We believe that VisionLLaMA can serve as a strong new baseline model for vision generation and understanding. Our code will be released at


Learning and Leveraging World Models in Visual Representation Learning

Paper Media

Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) has emerged as a promising self-supervised approach that learns by leveraging a world model. While previously limited to predicting missing parts of an input, we explore how to generalize the JEPA prediction task to a broader set of corruptions. We introduce Image World Models, an approach that goes beyond masked image modeling and learns to predict the effect of global photometric transformations in latent space. We study the recipe of learning performant IWMs and show that it relies on three key aspects: conditioning, prediction difficulty, and capacity. Additionally, we show that the predictive world model learned by IWM can be adapted through finetuning to solve diverse tasks; a fine-tuned IWM world model matches or surpasses the performance of previous self-supervised methods. Finally, we show that learning with an IWM allows one to control the abstraction level of the learned representations, learning invariant representations such as contrastive methods, or equivariant representations such as masked image modelling.


Resonance RoPE: Improving Context Length Generalization of Large Language Models

Paper Media

This paper addresses the challenge of train-short-test-long (TSTL) scenarios in Large Language Models (LLMs) equipped with Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE), where models pre-trained on shorter sequences face difficulty with out-of-distribution (OOD) token positions in longer sequences. We introduce Resonance RoPE, a novel approach designed to narrow the generalization gap in TSTL scenarios by refining the interpolation of RoPE features for OOD positions, significantly improving the model performance without additional online computational costs. Furthermore, we present PosGen, a new synthetic benchmark specifically designed for fine-grained behavior analysis in TSTL scenarios, aiming to isolate the constantly increasing difficulty of token generation on long contexts from the challenges of recognizing new token positions. Our experiments on synthetic tasks show that after applying Resonance RoPE, Transformers recognize OOD position better and more robustly. Our extensive LLM experiments also show superior performance after applying Resonance RoPE to the current state-of-the-art RoPE scaling method, YaRN, on both upstream language modeling tasks and a variety of downstream long-text applications.


AtP*: An efficient and scalable method for localizing LLM behaviour to components

Paper Media

Activation Patching is a method of directly computing causal attributions of behavior to model components. However, applying it exhaustively requires a sweep with cost scaling linearly in the number of model components, which can be prohibitively expensive for SoTA Large Language Models (LLMs). We investigate Attribution Patching (AtP), a fast gradient-based approximation to Activation Patching and find two classes of failure modes of AtP which lead to significant false negatives. We propose a variant of AtP called AtP*, with two changes to address these failure modes while retaining scalability. We present the first systematic study of AtP and alternative methods for faster activation patching and show that AtP significantly outperforms all other investigated methods, with AtP* providing further significant improvement. Finally, we provide a method to bound the probability of remaining false negatives of AtP* estimates.


RealCustom: Narrowing Real Text Word for Real-Time Open-Domain Text-to-Image Customization

Paper Media

Text-to-image customization, which aims to synthesize text-driven images for the given subjects, has recently revolutionized content creation. Existing works follow the pseudo-word paradigm, i.e., represent the given subjects as pseudo-words and then compose them with the given text. However, the inherent entangled influence scope of pseudo-words with the given text results in a dual-optimum paradox, i.e., the similarity of the given subjects and the controllability of the given text could not be optimal simultaneously. We present RealCustom that, for the first time, disentangles similarity from controllability by precisely limiting subject influence to relevant parts only, achieved by gradually narrowing real text word from its general connotation to the specific subject and using its cross-attention to distinguish relevance. Specifically, RealCustom introduces a novel "train-inference" decoupled framework: (1) during training, RealCustom learns general alignment between visual conditions to original textual conditions by a novel adaptive scoring module to adaptively modulate influence quantity; (2) during inference, a novel adaptive mask guidance strategy is proposed to iteratively update the influence scope and influence quantity of the given subjects to gradually narrow the generation of the real text word. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superior real-time customization ability of RealCustom in the open domain, achieving both unprecedented similarity of the given subjects and controllability of the given text for the first time. The project page is