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The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of the Deeper Layers

Paper Media

We empirically study a simple layer-pruning strategy for popular families of open-weight pretrained LLMs, finding minimal degradation of performance on different question-answering benchmarks until after a large fraction (up to half) of the layers are removed. To prune these models, we identify the optimal block of layers to prune by considering similarity across layers; then, to "heal" the damage, we perform a small amount of finetuning. In particular, we use parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT) methods, specifically quantization and Low Rank Adapters (QLoRA), such that each of our experiments can be performed on a single A100 GPU. From a practical perspective, these results suggest that layer pruning methods can complement other PEFT strategies to further reduce computational resources of finetuning on the one hand, and can improve the memory and latency of inference on the other hand. From a scientific perspective, the robustness of these LLMs to the deletion of layers implies either that current pretraining methods are not properly leveraging the parameters in the deeper layers of the network or that the shallow layers play a critical role in storing knowledge.


Fully-fused Multi-Layer Perceptrons on Intel Data Center GPUs

Paper Media

This paper presents a SYCL implementation of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), which targets and is optimized for the Intel Data Center GPU Max 1550. To increase the performance, our implementation minimizes the slow global memory accesses by maximizing the data reuse within the general register file and the shared local memory by fusing the operations in each layer of the MLP. We show with a simple roofline model that this results in a significant increase in the arithmetic intensity, leading to improved performance, especially for inference. We compare our approach to a similar CUDA implementation for MLPs and show that our implementation on the Intel Data Center GPU outperforms the CUDA implementation on Nvidia's H100 GPU by a factor up to 2.84 in inference and 1.75 in training. The paper also showcases the efficiency of our SYCL implementation in three significant areas: Image Compression, Neural Radiance Fields, and Physics-Informed Machine Learning. In all cases, our implementation outperforms the off-the-shelf Intel Extension for PyTorch (IPEX) implementation on the same Intel GPU by up to a factor of 30 and the CUDA PyTorch version on Nvidia's H100 GPU by up to a factor 19. The code can be found at


Octree-GS: Towards Consistent Real-time Rendering with LOD-Structured 3D Gaussians

Paper Media

The recent 3D Gaussian splatting (3D-GS) has shown remarkable rendering fidelity and efficiency compared to NeRF-based neural scene representations. While demonstrating the potential for real-time rendering, 3D-GS encounters rendering bottlenecks in large scenes with complex details due to an excessive number of Gaussian primitives located within the viewing frustum. This limitation is particularly noticeable in zoom-out views and can lead to inconsistent rendering speeds in scenes with varying details. Moreover, it often struggles to capture the corresponding level of details at different scales with its heuristic density control operation. Inspired by the Level-of-Detail (LOD) techniques, we introduce Octree-GS, featuring an LOD-structured 3D Gaussian approach supporting level-of-detail decomposition for scene representation that contributes to the final rendering results. Our model dynamically selects the appropriate level from the set of multi-resolution anchor points, ensuring consistent rendering performance with adaptive LOD adjustments while maintaining high-fidelity rendering results.


InternLM2 Technical Report

Paper Media

The evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4 has sparked discussions on the advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, replicating such advancements in open-source models has been challenging. This paper introduces InternLM2, an open-source LLM that outperforms its predecessors in comprehensive evaluations across 6 dimensions and 30 benchmarks, long-context modeling, and open-ended subjective evaluations through innovative pre-training and optimization techniques. The pre-training process of InternLM2 is meticulously detailed, highlighting the preparation of diverse data types including text, code, and long-context data. InternLM2 efficiently captures long-term dependencies, initially trained on 4k tokens before advancing to 32k tokens in pre-training and fine-tuning stages, exhibiting remarkable performance on the 200k ``Needle-in-a-Haystack" test. InternLM2 is further aligned using Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and a novel Conditional Online Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (COOL RLHF) strategy that addresses conflicting human preferences and reward hacking. By releasing InternLM2 models in different training stages and model sizes, we provide the community with insights into the model's evolution.


Improving Text-to-Image Consistency via Automatic Prompt Optimization

Paper Media

Impressive advances in text-to-image (T2I) generative models have yielded a plethora of high performing models which are able to generate aesthetically appealing, photorealistic images. Despite the progress, these models still struggle to produce images that are consistent with the input prompt, oftentimes failing to capture object quantities, relations and attributes properly. Existing solutions to improve prompt-image consistency suffer from the following challenges: (1) they oftentimes require model fine-tuning, (2) they only focus on nearby prompt samples, and (3) they are affected by unfavorable trade-offs among image quality, representation diversity, and prompt-image consistency. In this paper, we address these challenges and introduce a T2I optimization-by-prompting framework, OPT2I, which leverages a large language model (LLM) to improve prompt-image consistency in T2I models. Our framework starts from a user prompt and iteratively generates revised prompts with the goal of maximizing a consistency score. Our extensive validation on two datasets, MSCOCO and PartiPrompts, shows that OPT2I can boost the initial consistency score by up to 24.9% in terms of DSG score while preserving the FID and increasing the recall between generated and real data. Our work paves the way toward building more reliable and robust T2I systems by harnessing the power of LLMs.


TC4D: Trajectory-Conditioned Text-to-4D Generation

Paper Media

Recent techniques for text-to-4D generation synthesize dynamic 3D scenes using supervision from pre-trained text-to-video models. However, existing representations for motion, such as deformation models or time-dependent neural representations, are limited in the amount of motion they can generate-they cannot synthesize motion extending far beyond the bounding box used for volume rendering. The lack of a more flexible motion model contributes to the gap in realism between 4D generation methods and recent, near-photorealistic video generation models. Here, we propose TC4D: trajectory-conditioned text-to-4D generation, which factors motion into global and local components. We represent the global motion of a scene's bounding box using rigid transformation along a trajectory parameterized by a spline. We learn local deformations that conform to the global trajectory using supervision from a text-to-video model. Our approach enables the synthesis of scenes animated along arbitrary trajectories, compositional scene generation, and significant improvements to the realism and amount of generated motion, which we evaluate qualitatively and through a user study. Video results can be viewed on our website:


DreamPolisher: Towards High-Quality Text-to-3D Generation via Geometric Diffusion

Paper Media

We present DreamPolisher, a novel Gaussian Splatting based method with geometric guidance, tailored to learn cross-view consistency and intricate detail from textual descriptions. While recent progress on text-to-3D generation methods have been promising, prevailing methods often fail to ensure view-consistency and textural richness. This problem becomes particularly noticeable for methods that work with text input alone. To address this, we propose a two-stage Gaussian Splatting based approach that enforces geometric consistency among views. Initially, a coarse 3D generation undergoes refinement via geometric optimization. Subsequently, we use a ControlNet driven refiner coupled with the geometric consistency term to improve both texture fidelity and overall consistency of the generated 3D asset. Empirical evaluations across diverse textual prompts spanning various object categories demonstrate the efficacy of DreamPolisher in generating consistent and realistic 3D objects, aligning closely with the semantics of the textual instructions.


2D Gaussian Splatting for Geometrically Accurate Radiance Fields

Paper Media

3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently revolutionized radiance field reconstruction, achieving high quality novel view synthesis and fast rendering speed without baking. However, 3DGS fails to accurately represent surfaces due to the multi-view inconsistent nature of 3D Gaussians. We present 2D Gaussian Splatting (2DGS), a novel approach to model and reconstruct geometrically accurate radiance fields from multi-view images. Our key idea is to collapse the 3D volume into a set of 2D oriented planar Gaussian disks. Unlike 3D Gaussians, 2D Gaussians provide view-consistent geometry while modeling surfaces intrinsically. To accurately recover thin surfaces and achieve stable optimization, we introduce a perspective-accurate 2D splatting process utilizing ray-splat intersection and rasterization. Additionally, we incorporate depth distortion and normal consistency terms to further enhance the quality of the reconstructions. We demonstrate that our differentiable renderer allows for noise-free and detailed geometry reconstruction while maintaining competitive appearance quality, fast training speed, and real-time rendering. Our code will be made publicly available.