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sDPO: Don't Use Your Data All at Once

Paper Media

As development of large language models (LLM) progresses, aligning them with human preferences has become increasingly important. We propose stepwise DPO (sDPO), an extension of the recently popularized direct preference optimization (DPO) for alignment tuning. This approach involves dividing the available preference datasets and utilizing them in a stepwise manner, rather than employing it all at once. We demonstrate that this method facilitates the use of more precisely aligned reference models within the DPO training framework. Furthermore, sDPO trains the final model to be more performant, even outperforming other popular LLMs with more parameters.


LITA: Language Instructed Temporal-Localization Assistant

Paper Media

There has been tremendous progress in multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs). Recent works have extended these models to video input with promising instruction following capabilities. However, an important missing piece is temporal localization. These models cannot accurately answer the "When?" questions. We identify three key aspects that limit their temporal localization capabilities: (i) time representation, (ii) architecture, and (iii) data. We address these shortcomings by proposing Language Instructed Temporal-Localization Assistant (LITA) with the following features: (1) We introduce time tokens that encode timestamps relative to the video length to better represent time in videos. (2) We introduce SlowFast tokens in the architecture to capture temporal information at fine temporal resolution. (3) We emphasize temporal localization data for LITA. In addition to leveraging existing video datasets with timestamps, we propose a new task, Reasoning Temporal Localization (RTL), along with the dataset, ActivityNet-RTL, for learning and evaluating this task. Reasoning temporal localization requires both the reasoning and temporal localization of Video LLMs. LITA demonstrates strong performance on this challenging task, nearly doubling the temporal mean intersection-over-union (mIoU) of baselines. In addition, we show that our emphasis on temporal localization also substantially improves video-based text generation compared to existing Video LLMs, including a 36% relative improvement of Temporal Understanding. Code is available at:


GaussianCube: Structuring Gaussian Splatting using Optimal Transport for 3D Generative Modeling

Paper Media

3D Gaussian Splatting (GS) have achieved considerable improvement over Neural Radiance Fields in terms of 3D fitting fidelity and rendering speed. However, this unstructured representation with scattered Gaussians poses a significant challenge for generative modeling. To address the problem, we introduce GaussianCube, a structured GS representation that is both powerful and efficient for generative modeling. We achieve this by first proposing a modified densification-constrained GS fitting algorithm which can yield high-quality fitting results using a fixed number of free Gaussians, and then re-arranging the Gaussians into a predefined voxel grid via Optimal Transport. The structured grid representation allows us to use standard 3D U-Net as our backbone in diffusion generative modeling without elaborate designs. Extensive experiments conducted on ShapeNet and OmniObject3D show that our model achieves state-of-the-art generation results both qualitatively and quantitatively, underscoring the potential of GaussianCube as a powerful and versatile 3D representation.


TextCraftor: Your Text Encoder Can be Image Quality Controller

Paper Media

Diffusion-based text-to-image generative models, e.g., Stable Diffusion, have revolutionized the field of content generation, enabling significant advancements in areas like image editing and video synthesis. Despite their formidable capabilities, these models are not without their limitations. It is still challenging to synthesize an image that aligns well with the input text, and multiple runs with carefully crafted prompts are required to achieve satisfactory results. To mitigate these limitations, numerous studies have endeavored to fine-tune the pre-trained diffusion models, i.e., UNet, utilizing various technologies. Yet, amidst these efforts, a pivotal question of text-to-image diffusion model training has remained largely unexplored: Is it possible and feasible to fine-tune the text encoder to improve the performance of text-to-image diffusion models? Our findings reveal that, instead of replacing the CLIP text encoder used in Stable Diffusion with other large language models, we can enhance it through our proposed fine-tuning approach, TextCraftor, leading to substantial improvements in quantitative benchmarks and human assessments. Interestingly, our technique also empowers controllable image generation through the interpolation of different text encoders fine-tuned with various rewards. We also demonstrate that TextCraftor is orthogonal to UNet finetuning, and can be combined to further improve generative quality.


Mesh2NeRF: Direct Mesh Supervision for Neural Radiance Field Representation and Generation

Paper Media

We present Mesh2NeRF, an approach to derive ground-truth radiance fields from textured meshes for 3D generation tasks. Many 3D generative approaches represent 3D scenes as radiance fields for training. Their ground-truth radiance fields are usually fitted from multi-view renderings from a large-scale synthetic 3D dataset, which often results in artifacts due to occlusions or under-fitting issues. In Mesh2NeRF, we propose an analytic solution to directly obtain ground-truth radiance fields from 3D meshes, characterizing the density field with an occupancy function featuring a defined surface thickness, and determining view-dependent color through a reflection function considering both the mesh and environment lighting. Mesh2NeRF extracts accurate radiance fields which provides direct supervision for training generative NeRFs and single scene representation. We validate the effectiveness of Mesh2NeRF across various tasks, achieving a noteworthy 3.12dB improvement in PSNR for view synthesis in single scene representation on the ABO dataset, a 0.69 PSNR enhancement in the single-view conditional generation of ShapeNet Cars, and notably improved mesh extraction from NeRF in the unconditional generation of Objaverse Mugs.