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Genie: Generative Interactive Environments

Paper Media

We introduce Genie, the first generative interactive environment trained in an unsupervised manner from unlabelled Internet videos. The model can be prompted to generate an endless variety of action-controllable virtual worlds described through text, synthetic images, photographs, and even sketches. At 11B parameters, Genie can be considered a foundation world model. It is comprised of a spatiotemporal video tokenizer, an autoregressive dynamics model, and a simple and scalable latent action model. Genie enables users to act in the generated environments on a frame-by-frame basis despite training without any ground-truth action labels or other domain-specific requirements typically found in the world model literature. Further the resulting learned latent action space facilitates training agents to imitate behaviors from unseen videos, opening the path for training generalist agents of the future.


MobileLLM: Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases

Paper Media

This paper addresses the growing need for efficient large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices, driven by increasing cloud costs and latency concerns. We focus on designing top-quality LLMs with fewer than a billion parameters, a practical choice for mobile deployment. Contrary to prevailing belief emphasizing the pivotal role of data and parameter quantity in determining model quality, our investigation underscores the significance of model architecture for sub-billion scale LLMs. Leveraging deep and thin architectures, coupled with embedding sharing and grouped-query attention mechanisms, we establish a strong baseline network denoted as MobileLLM, which attains a remarkable 2.7%/4.3% accuracy boost over preceding 125M/350M state-of-the-art models. Additionally, we propose an immediate block-wise weight sharing approach with no increase in model size and only marginal latency overhead. The resultant models, denoted as MobileLLM-LS, demonstrate a further accuracy enhancement of 0.7%/0.8% than MobileLLM 125M/350M. Moreover, MobileLLM model family shows significant improvements compared to previous sub-billion models on chat benchmarks, and demonstrates close correctness to LLaMA-v2 7B in API calling tasks, highlighting the capability of small models for common on-device use cases.


Gen4Gen: Generative Data Pipeline for Generative Multi-Concept Composition

Recent text-to-image diffusion models are able to learn and synthesize images containing novel, personalized concepts (e.g., their own pets or specific items) with just a few examples for training. This paper tackles two interconnected issues within this realm of personalizing text-to-image diffusion models. First, current personalization techniques fail to reliably extend to multiple concepts -- we hypothesize this to be due to the mismatch between complex scenes and simple text descriptions in the pre-training dataset (e.g., LAION). Second, given an image containing multiple personalized concepts, there lacks a holistic metric that evaluates performance on not just the degree of resemblance of personalized concepts, but also whether all concepts are present in the image and whether the image accurately reflects the overall text description. To address these issues, we introduce Gen4Gen, a semi-automated dataset creation pipeline utilizing generative models to combine personalized concepts into complex compositions along with text-descriptions. Using this, we create a dataset called MyCanvas, that can be used to benchmark the task of multi-concept personalization. In addition, we design a comprehensive metric comprising two scores (CP-CLIP and TI-CLIP) for better quantifying the performance of multi-concept, personalized text-to-image diffusion methods. We provide a simple baseline built on top of Custom Diffusion with empirical prompting strategies for future researchers to evaluate on MyCanvas. We show that by improving data quality and prompting strategies, we can significantly increase multi-concept personalized image generation quality, without requiring any modifications to model architecture or training algorithms.


Orca-Math: Unlocking the potential of SLMs in Grade School Math

Paper Media

Mathematical word problem-solving has long been recognized as a complex task for small language models (SLMs). A recent study hypothesized that the smallest model size, needed to achieve over 80% accuracy on the GSM8K benchmark, is 34 billion parameters. To reach this level of performance with smaller models, researcher often train SLMs to generate Python code or use tools to help avoid calculation errors. Additionally, they employ ensembling, where outputs of up to 100 model runs are combined to arrive at a more accurate result. Result selection is done using consensus, majority vote or a separate a verifier model used in conjunction with the SLM. Ensembling provides a substantial boost in accuracy but at a significant cost increase with multiple calls to the model (e.g., Phi-GSM uses top-48 to boost the performance from 68.2 to 81.5). In this work, we present Orca-Math, a 7-billion-parameter SLM based on the Mistral-7B, which achieves 86.81% on GSM8k without the need for multiple model calls or the use of verifiers, code execution or any other external tools. Our approach has the following key elements: (1) A high quality synthetic dataset of 200K math problems created using a multi-agent setup where agents collaborate to create the data, (2) An iterative learning techniques that enables the SLM to practice solving problems, receive feedback on its solutions and learn from preference pairs incorporating the SLM solutions and the feedback. When trained with Supervised Fine-Tuning alone, Orca-Math achieves 81.50% on GSM8k pass@1 metric. With iterative preference learning, Orca-Math achieves 86.81% pass@1. Orca-Math surpasses the performance of significantly larger models such as LLAMA-2-70B, WizardMath-70B, Gemini-Pro, ChatGPT-3.5. It also significantly outperforms other smaller models while using much smaller data (hundreds of thousands vs. millions of problems).


Watermarking Makes Language Models Radioactive

Paper Media

This paper investigates the radioactivity of LLM-generated texts, i.e. whether it is possible to detect that such input was used as training data. Conventional methods like membership inference can carry out this detection with some level of accuracy. We show that watermarked training data leaves traces easier to detect and much more reliable than membership inference. We link the contamination level to the watermark robustness, its proportion in the training set, and the fine-tuning process. We notably demonstrate that training on watermarked synthetic instructions can be detected with high confidence (p-value < 1e-5) even when as little as 5% of training text is watermarked. Thus, LLM watermarking, originally designed for detecting machine-generated text, gives the ability to easily identify if the outputs of a watermarked LLM were used to fine-tune another LLM.


Same Task, More Tokens: the Impact of Input Length on the Reasoning Performance of Large Language Models

Paper Media

This paper explores the impact of extending input lengths on the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite LLMs advancements in recent times, their performance consistency across different input lengths is not well understood. We investigate this aspect by introducing a novel QA reasoning framework, specifically designed to assess the impact of input length. We isolate the effect of input length using multiple versions of the same sample, each being extended with padding of different lengths, types and locations. Our findings show a notable degradation in LLMs' reasoning performance at much shorter input lengths than their technical maximum. We show that the degradation trend appears in every version of our dataset, although at different intensities. Additionally, our study reveals that traditional perplexity metrics do not correlate with performance of LLMs' in long input reasoning tasks. We analyse our results and identify failure modes that can serve as useful guides for future research, potentially informing strategies to address the limitations observed in LLMs.


CLoVe: Encoding Compositional Language in Contrastive Vision-Language Models

Paper Media

Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the performance of Vision and Language tasks. Foundational Vision-Language Models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have been leveraged in multiple settings and demonstrated remarkable performance across several tasks. Such models excel at object-centric recognition yet learn text representations that seem invariant to word order, failing to compose known concepts in novel ways. However, no evidence exists that any VLM, including large-scale single-stream models such as GPT-4V, identifies compositions successfully. In this paper, we introduce a framework to significantly improve the ability of existing models to encode compositional language, with over 10% absolute improvement on compositionality benchmarks, while maintaining or improving the performance on standard object-recognition and retrieval benchmarks. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly available at


Seamless Human Motion Composition with Blended Positional Encodings

Conditional human motion generation is an important topic with many applications in virtual reality, gaming, and robotics. While prior works have focused on generating motion guided by text, music, or scenes, these typically result in isolated motions confined to short durations. Instead, we address the generation of long, continuous sequences guided by a series of varying textual descriptions. In this context, we introduce FlowMDM, the first diffusion-based model that generates seamless Human Motion Compositions (HMC) without any postprocessing or redundant denoising steps. For this, we introduce the Blended Positional Encodings, a technique that leverages both absolute and relative positional encodings in the denoising chain. More specifically, global motion coherence is recovered at the absolute stage, whereas smooth and realistic transitions are built at the relative stage. As a result, we achieve state-of-the-art results in terms of accuracy, realism, and smoothness on the Babel and HumanML3D datasets. FlowMDM excels when trained with only a single description per motion sequence thanks to its Pose-Centric Cross-ATtention, which makes it robust against varying text descriptions at inference time. Finally, to address the limitations of existing HMC metrics, we propose two new metrics: the Peak Jerk and the Area Under the Jerk, to detect abrupt transitions.


API-BLEND: A Comprehensive Corpora for Training and Benchmarking API LLMs

Paper Media

There is a growing need for Large Language Models (LLMs) to effectively use tools and external Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to plan and complete tasks. As such, there is tremendous interest in methods that can acquire sufficient quantities of train and test data that involve calls to tools / APIs. Two lines of research have emerged as the predominant strategies for addressing this challenge. The first has focused on synthetic data generation techniques, while the second has involved curating task-adjacent datasets which can be transformed into API / Tool-based tasks. In this paper, we focus on the task of identifying, curating, and transforming existing datasets and, in turn, introduce API-BLEND, a large corpora for training and systematic testing of tool-augmented LLMs. The datasets mimic real-world scenarios involving API-tasks such as API / tool detection, slot filling, and sequencing of the detected APIs. We demonstrate the utility of the API-BLEND dataset for both training and benchmarking purposes.


ChunkAttention: Efficient Self-Attention with Prefix-Aware KV Cache and Two-Phase Partition

Paper Media

Self-attention is an essential component of large language models(LLMs) but a significant source of inference latency for long sequences. In multi-tenant LLMs serving scenarios, the compute and memory operation cost of self-attention can be optimized by using the probability that multiple LLM requests have shared system prompts in prefixes. In this paper, we introduce ChunkAttention, a prefix-aware self-attention module that can detect matching prompt prefixes across multiple requests and share their key/value tensors in memory at runtime to improve the memory utilization of KV cache. This is achieved by breaking monolithic key/value tensors into smaller chunks and structuring them into the auxiliary prefix tree. Consequently, on top of the prefix-tree based KV cache, we design an efficient self-attention kernel, where a two-phase partition algorithm is implemented to improve the data locality during self-attention computation in the presence of shared system prompts. Experiments show that ChunkAttention can speed up the self-attention kernel by 3.2-4.8$\times$ compared to the start-of-the-art implementation, with the length of the system prompt ranging from 1024 to 4096.


AgentOhana: Design Unified Data and Training Pipeline for Effective Agent Learning

Paper Media

Autonomous agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant research attention. However, fully harnessing the potential of LLMs for agent-based tasks presents inherent challenges due to the heterogeneous nature of diverse data sources featuring multi-turn trajectories. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{AgentOhana} as a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. \textit{AgentOhana} aggregates agent trajectories from distinct environments, spanning a wide array of scenarios. It meticulously standardizes and unifies these trajectories into a consistent format, streamlining the creation of a generic data loader optimized for agent training. Leveraging the data unification, our training pipeline maintains equilibrium across different data sources and preserves independent randomness across devices during dataset partitioning and model training. Additionally, we present \textbf{xLAM-v0.1}, a large action model tailored for AI agents, which demonstrates exceptional performance across various benchmarks.


GPTVQ: The Blessing of Dimensionality for LLM Quantization

Paper Media

In this work we show that the size versus accuracy trade-off of neural network quantization can be significantly improved by increasing the quantization dimensionality. We propose the GPTVQ method, a new fast method for post-training vector quantization (VQ) that scales well to Large Language Models (LLMs). Our method interleaves quantization of one or more columns with updates to the remaining unquantized weights, using information from the Hessian of the per-layer output reconstruction MSE. Quantization codebooks are initialized using an efficient data-aware version of the EM algorithm. The codebooks are then updated, and further compressed by using integer quantization and SVD-based compression. GPTVQ establishes a new state-of-the art in the size vs accuracy trade-offs on a wide range of LLMs such as Llama-v2 and Mistral. Furthermore, our method is efficient: on a single H100 it takes between 3 and 11 hours to process a Llamav2-70B model, depending on quantization setting. Lastly, with on-device timings for VQ decompression on a mobile CPU we show that VQ leads to improved latency compared to using a 4-bit integer format.


Divide-or-Conquer? Which Part Should You Distill Your LLM?

Paper Media

Recent methods have demonstrated that Large Language Models (LLMs) can solve reasoning tasks better when they are encouraged to solve subtasks of the main task first. In this paper we devise a similar strategy that breaks down reasoning tasks into a problem decomposition phase and a problem solving phase and show that the strategy is able to outperform a single stage solution. Further, we hypothesize that the decomposition should be easier to distill into a smaller model compared to the problem solving because the latter requires large amounts of domain knowledge while the former only requires learning general problem solving strategies. We propose methods to distill these two capabilities and evaluate their impact on reasoning outcomes and inference cost. We find that we can distill the problem decomposition phase and at the same time achieve good generalization across tasks, datasets, and models. However, it is harder to distill the problem solving capability without losing performance and the resulting distilled model struggles with generalization. These results indicate that by using smaller, distilled problem decomposition models in combination with problem solving LLMs we can achieve reasoning with cost-efficient inference and local adaptation.