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StarCoder 2 and The Stack v2: The Next Generation

Paper Media

The BigCode project, an open-scientific collaboration focused on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), introduces StarCoder2. In partnership with Software Heritage (SWH), we build The Stack v2 on top of the digital commons of their source code archive. Alongside the SWH repositories spanning 619 programming languages, we carefully select other high-quality data sources, such as GitHub pull requests, Kaggle notebooks, and code documentation. This results in a training set that is 4x larger than the first StarCoder dataset. We train StarCoder2 models with 3B, 7B, and 15B parameters on 3.3 to 4.3 trillion tokens and thoroughly evaluate them on a comprehensive set of Code LLM benchmarks. We find that our small model, StarCoder2-3B, outperforms other Code LLMs of similar size on most benchmarks, and also outperforms StarCoderBase-15B. Our large model, StarCoder2- 15B, significantly outperforms other models of comparable size. In addition, it matches or outperforms CodeLlama-34B, a model more than twice its size. Although DeepSeekCoder- 33B is the best-performing model at code completion for high-resource languages, we find that StarCoder2-15B outperforms it on math and code reasoning benchmarks, as well as several low-resource languages. We make the model weights available under an OpenRAIL license and ensure full transparency regarding the training data by releasing the SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifiers (SWHIDs) of the source code data.


Griffin: Mixing Gated Linear Recurrences with Local Attention for Efficient Language Models

Paper Media

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have fast inference and scale efficiently on long sequences, but they are difficult to train and hard to scale. We propose Hawk, an RNN with gated linear recurrences, and Griffin, a hybrid model that mixes gated linear recurrences with local attention. Hawk exceeds the reported performance of Mamba on downstream tasks, while Griffin matches the performance of Llama-2 despite being trained on over 6 times fewer tokens. We also show that Griffin can extrapolate on sequences significantly longer than those seen during training. Our models match the hardware efficiency of Transformers during training, and during inference they have lower latency and significantly higher throughput. We scale Griffin up to 14B parameters, and explain how to shard our models for efficient distributed training.


Beyond Language Models: Byte Models are Digital World Simulators

Paper Media

Traditional deep learning often overlooks bytes, the basic units of the digital world, where all forms of information and operations are encoded and manipulated in binary format. Inspired by the success of next token prediction in natural language processing, we introduce bGPT, a model with next byte prediction to simulate the digital world. bGPT matches specialized models in performance across various modalities, including text, audio, and images, and offers new possibilities for predicting, simulating, and diagnosing algorithm or hardware behaviour. It has almost flawlessly replicated the process of converting symbolic music data, achieving a low error rate of 0.0011 bits per byte in converting ABC notation to MIDI format. In addition, bGPT demonstrates exceptional capabilities in simulating CPU behaviour, with an accuracy exceeding 99.99% in executing various operations. Leveraging next byte prediction, models like bGPT can directly learn from vast binary data, effectively simulating the intricate patterns of the digital world.


Panda-70M: Captioning 70M Videos with Multiple Cross-Modality Teachers

Paper Media

The quality of the data and annotation upper-bounds the quality of a downstream model. While there exist large text corpora and image-text pairs, high-quality video-text data is much harder to collect. First of all, manual labeling is more time-consuming, as it requires an annotator to watch an entire video. Second, videos have a temporal dimension, consisting of several scenes stacked together, and showing multiple actions. Accordingly, to establish a video dataset with high-quality captions, we propose an automatic approach leveraging multimodal inputs, such as textual video description, subtitles, and individual video frames. Specifically, we curate 3.8M high-resolution videos from the publicly available HD-VILA-100M dataset. We then split them into semantically consistent video clips, and apply multiple cross-modality teacher models to obtain captions for each video. Next, we finetune a retrieval model on a small subset where the best caption of each video is manually selected and then employ the model in the whole dataset to select the best caption as the annotation. In this way, we get 70M videos paired with high-quality text captions. We dub the dataset as Panda-70M. We show the value of the proposed dataset on three downstream tasks: video captioning, video and text retrieval, and text-driven video generation. The models trained on the proposed data score substantially better on the majority of metrics across all the tasks.


Humanoid Locomotion as Next Token Prediction

We cast real-world humanoid control as a next token prediction problem, akin to predicting the next word in language. Our model is a causal transformer trained via autoregressive prediction of sensorimotor trajectories. To account for the multi-modal nature of the data, we perform prediction in a modality-aligned way, and for each input token predict the next token from the same modality. This general formulation enables us to leverage data with missing modalities, like video trajectories without actions. We train our model on a collection of simulated trajectories coming from prior neural network policies, model-based controllers, motion capture data, and YouTube videos of humans. We show that our model enables a full-sized humanoid to walk in San Francisco zero-shot. Our model can transfer to the real world even when trained on only 27 hours of walking data, and can generalize to commands not seen during training like walking backward. These findings suggest a promising path toward learning challenging real-world control tasks by generative modeling of sensorimotor trajectories.


MOSAIC: A Modular System for Assistive and Interactive Cooking

We present MOSAIC, a modular architecture for home robots to perform complex collaborative tasks, such as cooking with everyday users. MOSAIC tightly collaborates with humans, interacts with users using natural language, coordinates multiple robots, and manages an open vocabulary of everyday objects. At its core, MOSAIC employs modularity: it leverages multiple large-scale pre-trained models for general tasks like language and image recognition, while using streamlined modules designed for task-specific control. We extensively evaluate MOSAIC on 60 end-to-end trials where two robots collaborate with a human user to cook a combination of 6 recipes. We also extensively test individual modules with 180 episodes of visuomotor picking, 60 episodes of human motion forecasting, and 46 online user evaluations of the task planner. We show that MOSAIC is able to efficiently collaborate with humans by running the overall system end-to-end with a real human user, completing 68.3% (41/60) collaborative cooking trials of 6 different recipes with a subtask completion rate of 91.6%. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the current system and exciting open challenges in this domain. The project's website is at


Simple linear attention language models balance the recall-throughput tradeoff

Paper Media

Recent work has shown that attention-based language models excel at recall, the ability to ground generations in tokens previously seen in context. However, the efficiency of attention-based models is bottle-necked during inference by the KV-cache's aggressive memory consumption. In this work, we explore whether we can improve language model efficiency (e.g. by reducing memory consumption) without compromising on recall. By applying experiments and theory to a broad set of architectures, we identify a key tradeoff between a model's state size and recall ability. We show that efficient alternatives to attention (e.g. H3, Mamba, RWKV) maintain a fixed-size recurrent state, but struggle at recall. We propose BASED a simple architecture combining linear and sliding window attention. By varying BASED window size and linear attention feature dimension, we can dial the state size and traverse the pareto frontier of the recall-memory tradeoff curve, recovering the full quality of attention on one end and the small state size of attention-alternatives on the other. We train language models up to 1.3b parameters and show that BASED matches the strongest sub-quadratic models (e.g. Mamba) in perplexity and outperforms them on real-world recall-intensive tasks by 6.22 accuracy points. Implementations of linear attention are often less efficient than optimized standard attention implementations. To make BASED competitive, we develop IO-aware algorithms that enable 24x higher throughput on language generation than FlashAttention-2, when generating 1024 tokens using 1.3b parameter models. Code for this work is provided at:


Trajectory Consistency Distillation

Paper Media

Latent Consistency Model (LCM) extends the Consistency Model to the latent space and leverages the guided consistency distillation technique to achieve impressive performance in accelerating text-to-image synthesis. However, we observed that LCM struggles to generate images with both clarity and detailed intricacy. To address this limitation, we initially delve into and elucidate the underlying causes. Our investigation identifies that the primary issue stems from errors in three distinct areas. Consequently, we introduce Trajectory Consistency Distillation (TCD), which encompasses trajectory consistency function and strategic stochastic sampling. The trajectory consistency function diminishes the distillation errors by broadening the scope of the self-consistency boundary condition and endowing the TCD with the ability to accurately trace the entire trajectory of the Probability Flow ODE. Additionally, strategic stochastic sampling is specifically designed to circumvent the accumulated errors inherent in multi-step consistency sampling, which is meticulously tailored to complement the TCD model. Experiments demonstrate that TCD not only significantly enhances image quality at low NFEs but also yields more detailed results compared to the teacher model at high NFEs.


DistriFusion: Distributed Parallel Inference for High-Resolution Diffusion Models

Paper Media

Diffusion models have achieved great success in synthesizing high-quality images. However, generating high-resolution images with diffusion models is still challenging due to the enormous computational costs, resulting in a prohibitive latency for interactive applications. In this paper, we propose DistriFusion to tackle this problem by leveraging parallelism across multiple GPUs. Our method splits the model input into multiple patches and assigns each patch to a GPU. However, na\"{\i}vely implementing such an algorithm breaks the interaction between patches and loses fidelity, while incorporating such an interaction will incur tremendous communication overhead. To overcome this dilemma, we observe the high similarity between the input from adjacent diffusion steps and propose displaced patch parallelism, which takes advantage of the sequential nature of the diffusion process by reusing the pre-computed feature maps from the previous timestep to provide context for the current step. Therefore, our method supports asynchronous communication, which can be pipelined by computation. Extensive experiments show that our method can be applied to recent Stable Diffusion XL with no quality degradation and achieve up to a 6.1$\times$ speedup on eight NVIDIA A100s compared to one. Our code is publicly available at


ViewFusion: Towards Multi-View Consistency via Interpolated Denoising

Novel-view synthesis through diffusion models has demonstrated remarkable potential for generating diverse and high-quality images. Yet, the independent process of image generation in these prevailing methods leads to challenges in maintaining multiple-view consistency. To address this, we introduce ViewFusion, a novel, training-free algorithm that can be seamlessly integrated into existing pre-trained diffusion models. Our approach adopts an auto-regressive method that implicitly leverages previously generated views as context for the next view generation, ensuring robust multi-view consistency during the novel-view generation process. Through a diffusion process that fuses known-view information via interpolated denoising, our framework successfully extends single-view conditioned models to work in multiple-view conditional settings without any additional fine-tuning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of ViewFusion in generating consistent and detailed novel views.


Priority Sampling of Large Language Models for Compilers

Paper Media

Large language models show great potential in generating and optimizing code. Widely used sampling methods such as Nucleus Sampling increase the diversity of generation but often produce repeated samples for low temperatures and incoherent samples for high temperatures. Furthermore, the temperature coefficient has to be tuned for each task, limiting its usability. We present Priority Sampling, a simple and deterministic sampling technique that produces unique samples ordered by the model's confidence. Each new sample expands the unexpanded token with the highest probability in the augmented search tree. Additionally, Priority Sampling supports generation based on regular expression that provides a controllable and structured exploration process. Priority Sampling outperforms Nucleus Sampling for any number of samples, boosting the performance of the original model from 2.87% to 5% improvement over -Oz. Moreover, it outperforms the autotuner used for the generation of labels for the training of the original model in just 30 samples.